Day: January 14, 2023

Saving money with renewable energy in your homeSaving money with renewable energy in your home


People are increasingly looking for ways to cut down on the cost of electricity and costs of living, especially as both continue to steadily increase. One way to save money is on energy bills is by making use of renewable energy, and there’s various ways to use renewable energy in your everyday life.

In this article we’ll look at how you can use renewable energy to save money.

Saving through renewable energy

It’s possible to save on your electrical bill as well as heating and cooling costs. These are just a few useful tips to help both the environment as well as your bank account.

The most popular option by far is solar energy, which is most used through solar panels.

  • Solar energy: Perhaps one of the best ways to save on bills is through solar energy, which is effectively an infinite source of renewable energy. This can be used to heat your home as well as to generate electricity. The long-term monetary payback can be invaluable.

Solar energy helps to save in two ways. Firstly, it reduces the amount of power you need to buy from the grid. Secondly, through schemes like Smart Export Guarantee. This is a government program which pays homeowners for the electricity they export to the grid.

Solar panels are easy to install that can be done by Solar Panel Installer Scotland and do not require planning permission, which is often a significant barrier to many home improvements. Furthermore, solar panels will (within eleven to fifteen years) eventually pay for themselves. This makes them a fantastic investment to make.

  • Hydroelectric Power: Hydroelectric power is another renewable energy resource able to generate electricity and provide energy for your home.
  • Wind: Wind has long been a popular renewable energy option. Home wind turbines are costly and require planning permission, and they are not suitable for urban areas, however they offer incredible energy benefits.

Other Ways to Save

You aren’t just restricted to renewable energy to save money. There are other changes you can make which can help to save money as well as benefit the environment.

Insulating Your Home

A well-insulated home will save on heating and cooling costs. This is a cost-effective measure to make significant changes and save money, and there are a swathe of government tax breaks and benefits to help pay for insulation as well.

Insulating your homes roof can be an invaluable approach, as this is often where the most heat is lost (after the windows). By insulating your loft, you can shave as much as £135 off your energy bills each year.

Getting a new boiler

Older boilers tend to be very energy inefficient. This means they use a lot more energy to warm up your home while putting out relatively little heat. This is a major waste of money overall, and it doesn’t consider other problems – such as a tendency towards breakdowns. Getting a new boiler can prove a fantastic and highly reliable investment.

How to save gas

Upgrading gas appliances to more efficient models or making use of a smart thermostat which can track your usage and have far more control over your gas-powered central heating.

Water conservation

Water conservation is another imperative way to save money. Reducing your water bill can be a major boon.

Energy Efficient light bulbs

Energy efficient light bulbs can help save on energy bills and last for years as well – helping to save a huge amount of money in the long term. Standard bulbs don’t have the same capacity to last as energy-efficient bulbs – in fact many of them are able to last up to five times as long, ensuring long term energy bill savings. Energy efficient light bulbs cost more initially but in the long run they will provide a significant benefit, financially and energy wise.

Turning off appliances and other large items

Make sure you turn off appliances and don’t leave electrical items on. If you fully commit to turning off these items, it’s possible to save 25% more energy. Leaving appliances plugged in will waste energy too, especially compared to turning them off and unplug them. Not only will this make a difference in your energy bill, but it’ll help you to feel better about how you use energy in the first place.  

Replacing older windows

Older single- and double-glazed windows are a serious source of heat loss. Lacking the insulating power of modern double glazing (or triple glazing), these windows often result in a significant loss of heat. By replacing your existing windows with double or triple glazing you can significantly reduce the loss of heat.

Compare energy quotes

Comparing energy quotes is by far one of the best ways to keep on top of your energy bills, and often can make a major difference when it comes to savings.